Fall is fast approaching, and I couldn’t be happier. It is definitely my favorite season! The weather starts to cool down, the leaves start to change…there’s just something magical about it.
But it’s also pumpkin season! I love pumpkins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin crafts, the list goes on. So I have gathered some of my favorites for you!
Sweater Pumpkins

Fabric Pumpkins

Sewn DIY Fabric Pumpkin

Cute Felt Applique Pumpkin Pillow

Blanket Stitched Felt Pumpkin Garland
Painted Pumpkins

Painted Pallet Pumpkins

Vinyl Pumpkins

No Carve Unicorn Pumpkin

Decoupage Pumpkins

Can you believe these were made with napkins? Blue & White Decoupage Pumpkins
Yarn Pumpkins
You’ll never guess what’s on the inside of these Yarn Wrapped Pumpkins!

These are great for using your scraps! Yarn Pumpkins